‘ Too Old For Fairy Tales ’ Ending, Explained What Did Waldek Learn From His Grandfather And Aunty?

Waldek Banas’s life was in disarray when his mama’s aunt, Mariolka, came to live with him for a couple of weeks. Waldek enjoyed playing videotape games, and he contended in events with his stylish friend, Staszek Lebioda, and Rudy, whom he believed was far more talented than them. Their platoon was called “ Three lords, ” and winning the Robot Masters Gaming Tournament was their ultimate thing. Waldek was defended from every peril by his mama, and when Mariolka started to live with Waldek, she decided to make him responsible. “ Too Old for puck Tales ” is about Waldek’s growing up, how he learns to deal with a myriad of feelings, and, at the same time, how to be more responsible. 

Spoilers Ahead 

‘ Too Old For Fairy Tales ’ Plot Summary What Is The Film About? 

Tereska, Waldek’s mama, asked Mariolka to look after her son while she was down getting tested at a megacity sanitarium. Tereska was visibly tense about her aunt living with her son, and she obsessively gutted her apartment for Mariolka’s blessing. The moment Mariolka stepped into the apartment, she knew she had to make several changes. It wasn't just the space that demanded life in it, but also Waldek, who demanded to learn introductory life chops. Waldek watched his mama leave for the megacity as he sorely gestured her farewell. According to Waldek, Mariolka was a crazy woman, and he'd reason to believe it. She'd hang herself in the living room and pretend to fly; bring home shops to buck up the space; assign tasks to Waldek. 

 Waldek was tired of living with Mariolka. He missed his mama, who made his life a lot easier by helping him with every task. Waldek had to clean his dishes, learn to make his food, walk to the academy alone and ride a bike every day. As Waldek plodded to navigate life with Mariolka, he supplicated for his mama to come home soon so that he'd be saved from what he believed was torture. Life as a fat sprat wasn't easy for him, and that was a commodity Mariolka noticed the moment she entered the apartment. She knew that Waldek demanded to take charge of his life and that he demanded further than videotape games to keep himself busy throughout the day. His mama was protective of him since he was her world. But out of love, Tereska had forgotten to allow her son to make miscalculations. 

 When Waldek complained to his mama over the phone, he indicted Mariolka of being atrocious. He was tired of cuisine, cleaning, shopping, and overeating; he just wanted his mama back home. To make matters worse, Rudy left their platoon, leaving the three lords without a member to enter the final event. As he watched his life fall piecemeal, he decided to steal the address of the sanitarium his mama was admitted to from Mariolka’s handbag. He got on a machine at night and left to meet his mama. He sneaked into the sanitarium and came across his mama’s room. He watched his mama remove the toupee from her head. Waldek couldn't hold back his gashes after watching his mama in such a fragile condition. He returned home crying throughout the trip. Mariolka scolded him for fading in the middle of the night. She entered a call from Tereska asking about her son. Mariolka prevaricated, saying that she was with him when he visited the sanitarium. nevertheless, Waldek had learned the secret that was kept from him. He had to accept that his mama was suffering from a terminal illness, that he'd had to live with Mariolka till her mama as well, and he also had to find the third member of the “ Three lords ” platoon to contend in the event. 

Did Waldek And Staszek Find The Third Member For Their platoon? 

 Mariolka motivated the boys to find a new member for their platoon, and that was when Waldek came across Delfina. Delfina was a videotape game player who was interested in joining their platoon, and Waldek was taken by her beauty and charm. He was further than keen on having her on the platoon, but Staszek declined to have a girl on the platoon. While their quest for the third player continued, Waldek refused to communicate with his mama over the phone. He was worried that Tereska chose to lie to him, and he avoided defying the verity now. 

Meanwhile, a player named “ Ant ” in an ant icon requested to join their platoon and asked them to meet in front of their apartment in the evening. The boys were interested in whom they allowed being a grown grown-up willing to join their platoon. Waldek asked Aunty to watch over them from the sundeck in case it didn't work out. Waldek went swimming the coming day and met Delfina there. She was as beautiful as in the videotape, and Waldek couldn't help but fall in love with her. He knew Delfina was the perfect girl for him, and she was the bone he was meant to have in his life, though he didn't know how to confess his passions to her. Delfina asked if she could meet them at 5 pm in front of his apartment, and Waldek agreed, indeed though they had to meet “ Ant ” as well. As it turned out, Delfina was Ant, and she was happy to join the boys in their platoon. Though Staszek disrespected her by refusing to play with a girl. She left, and Waldek was dissatisfied with his friend. 

 As Waldek rested in his room, his mama entered. She had come down from the sanitarium to check on her son. But Waldek chose to avoid any battle with his mama and confined himself to his room. On a coming day, he met with Staszek and Delfina. Staszek apologized to her for his gesture, and the three filled out the form for the event. Delfina met Mariolka, and she offered to take the kiddies on a trip the coming day. They left beforehand and learned that Mariolka wanted them to try water skating. She was a woman who enjoyed the adventure, and indeed though Staszek allowed she was too old for it, she proved him wrong. Waldek was coming in line to try the sport, but he was too spooked to do it. He felt a little uneasy about having failed in front of Delfina. He also noticed how Staszek and Delfina were drooling together, and he assumed the worst. But within many seconds, Staszek walked down from her in a hurry and avoided Waldek as well. Waldek was a bit surprised, but he wanted to establish his passion for Delfina, so he progressed to kiss her, which she denied. She added that Staszek too wanted her to be his gal, but she wasn't interested in it. 

Waldek has agonized. He noway allowed his stylish friend would double- cross him. He couldn't believe that Staszek proposed to the girl whom he'd been interested in from the veritably morning. He felt cheated on and, out of wrathfulness, he ditched the event form in the scrap. 

‘ Too Old For Fairy Tales ’ Ending Explained What Did Waldek Learn About Life From His forefather And Aunty? 

 Tereska returned home within many days, and she was relatively taken by Waldek’s promptitude to help her with her luggage. He proposed they visit his forefather, and Tereska agreed. He was ready to do all that it took to avoid any battle with his mama about what he'd witnessed at the sanitarium. 

 Mariolka didn't entertain Tereska snooping with every decision her son took. She wanted her to leave some choices to Waldek, indeed if they didn't feel sensible to Tereska. On the other hand, Tereska wasn't too comfortable with all the changes Mariolka brought, indeed if she knew they were for the better. It ever took her further down in her life, and she believed she was losing her significance in Waldek’s life as well. Waldek had now started to depend on Mariolka, and he couldn't imagine his life without her. He requested her to come on with them to his grandfather’s house, and she agreed to it. Tereska wanted to hide her illness from her father, and she added some makeup to conceal her weakness. Grandpa, according to Waldek, was tough on the outside but had a wimpiness from within. 

 Waldek and his grandfather went fumbling together. He tried to learn further about Waldek’s life, especially now that he was an adolescent. Waldek confessed that he was in love with a girl, but she didn't feel the same way. His grandfather joked that he'd fall in love multitudinous times in his continuance, but Waldek wasn't ready to accept it. He believed Delfina was the one true love of his life. When his forefather asked him about his stylish friend, Waldek, with guilt, stated that he'd prevaricated to him. That was when his forefather bandied the three usual reasons why people lie and how it isn't as simple as bone

 assumes it to be. People, he believed, generally prevaricated out of fear, asininity, or love. He wanted his grandson to understand the reason behind why a person would lie in the first place and also choose whether he wanted to forgive the person or not. He believed that if his stylish friend was irreplaceable, also he must be forgiven, and Waldek knew that Staszek had prevaricated out of asininity, and he must forgive his friend for being foolish. 

 Tereska and Waldek looked at old filmland that was stored in the garret. It was also that Waldek learned that his aunty was a paratrooper. She gave it up when her family, Tereska’s mama, failed of a heart attack while she was in the air. While the story of Aunty did upset him, knowing how she gave down her career for a commodity that wasn't her fault, he was devastated when he got to know that his mama went to a summer camp when she was eight. She did what she denied him, and he set up that to be extremely illegal. 

 In the evening, when his grandfather had set out for a regale, he noticed how his mama tried to avoid her father when he asked him about a mark on her hand. Mariolka helped Tereska out of the situation by diverting his attention from the crack to a frog. Waldek plodded to comprehend the adult world, where people kept the verity from those they loved, and in the process, they prevaricated to cover them. He learned that his mama chose to lie to him just like she did to her father because she loved them both immensely and wanted to keep the verity from them for as long as she could. She couldn't bear to see them sad and upset. Waldek now knew that the world couldn't be determined as fluently as he allowed as a child; there were several argentine areas that he demanded to understand and admire. 

Waldek supported his mama as she prepared to go for a final scan. She was tense, stewing the result, but she had her son by her side, who promised to take half of her fear, a commodity he learned from Mariolka. As he waited for his mama to return home with the report, he flashed back that his aunt always said that he must do some work rather than sit idle. He gutted the apartment and kept himself busy. Staszek entered the apartment, and he was asked by Mariolka to join Waldek and give him company. rather than playing videotape games like they generally did, they ignited a pie together. Waldek felt shamefaced about not confessing to Staszek that he'd destroyed their entry form. His mama returned home bearing good news. According to the croaker, she'd recover, and it would not get worse. Tereska, Mariolka, and Waldek celebrated the news with the pie he made. When Mariolka handed Waldek an envelope, he opened it to find that his platoon was named for the Robot Masters Gaming Tournament. Mariolka recaptured the form from the scrap and submitted it on his behalf, and Waldek was over the moon with joy. Waldek handed over an envelope to Mariolka that his forefather had asked him to give. It was a ticket for parachuting, and Mariolka was emotional after entering it. 

Waldek shared in the event with the support of his mama, aunt, and forefather. His platoon was accepted for the final round, which was set to take place in Germany. Tereska now knew that her son was responsible enough to be allowed to travel alone. She bid her son farewell and watched him leave the field with Delfina, Staszuk, and his gal, who was a member of another platoon. His weeks spent with his aunt, whom he despised at first, helped him with important life assignments. He was now responsible and didn't depend on others for his diurnal conditioning. He was also living a healthier life, and it was because of his better understanding and acceptance of the world around him that he was also in love now, formerly again. The title “ Too Old for puck Tales ” is relatively suitable for Waldek’s elaboration. He had to face certain trueness that he'd have preferred to avoid; he learned that some effects were beyond right and wrong, and he realized that not all crazy is always bad. 

 “ Too Old for puck Tales ” is a 2022 Family Drama film directed by Kristoffer Rus. 

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