‘ Rubikon ’ Ending, Explained Why Were The Algae Turning Brown? Did The Astronauts Save Mankind?

“ Rubikon ” is a sci-fi film set in 2056 that unfolds in the confinement of a space station. By 2056, the world has done down with countries and governments, and every piece of land is taken over and divided between giant pots. The environmental conditions are fragile, and only the rich live in air polls that were erected to sludge the polluted air. The corporates have their armies now, and in the case of territorial conflict, the armies fight it out between them. The space operations failed, which meant life other than Earth was no longer a possibility. The last space station possessed by Nibra Corporation has an exploration base devoted to chancing a result of the deteriorating environmental conditions. 

“ Rubikon ” is a predictable film where the characters substantially remain underexplored. The moral dilemma of having to choose between saving oneself or the entire remaining mortal population is what the film attempts to explore. But what it suggests, in the end, is relatively superficial and insensitively stresses impracticable humanism. 

 Spoilers Ahead 

‘ Rubikon ’ Plot Summary What Is The Film About? 

 Hannah Wagner, a Nibra dogface, was transferred to “ Rubikon ” on a secret charge by the pot, and she was accompanied by Gavin Abbott, a druggist who belonged to an influential family. Dr. Dimitri Krylow worked at the space station lab; he formulated an innovative way to induce oxygen using algae. This invention was what the pot was later, and Hannah’s task was to intimately bring it to Earth. The astronauts at Rubikon were taken suddenly when they realized that a dogface had stepped into the space station, anticipating a motive behind her presence. nevertheless, the beginners ate with a drink. Hannah’s job at the station was to navigate, whereas Gavin’s was to help. Dimitri in his lab. The rest of the crew were called off from their duties in space, and they had to return to Earth. Unexpectedly, the route of the space station was altered due to an unforeseen pall conformation in the northern semicircle, and numerous green rights activists failed as a result of this environmental catastrophe. Gavin was an activist, and the study of his musketeers losing their lives troubled him. Gavin decided to use an atmosphere analyzer to understand what had happened. Meanwhile, Wagner was instructed to continue with her secret charge, IKARUS, and bring the invention to Earth within the coming many days. Indeed though Wagner had realized by also that the algae system was wired throughout the station, the pot refused to allow her further time and asked her to work on it incontinently. 

 The crew members who left on Vesta 2 couldn't reach ground control and asked Wagner to help them contact. Indeed after multiple passes, she couldn't connect, and Vesta 2 was gradationally losing control. The capsule started to heat uncontrollably, and within many twinkles, it caught fire. Hannah entered a communication from her family, stating how chaotic everything was back at home. She was a dogface as well, and she was assigned the task of emptying those near the northern semicircle. The three astronauts saw from above how the Earth was enveloped in a thick dark fog. They lost all connection from ground control and were left in the space station each by themselves. The atmosphere analyzer eventually worked, and after studying its reading, Gavin tried self-murder, though Hannah was suitable to save him. He latterly informed Hannah and Dimitri that the Earth’s atmosphere was extremely poisonous, and it was nearly insolvable for anyone to survive it. There might be many people alive in the cellarages, but they would run out of food, water, and clean air soon. The chances of the survival of humanity were slim, and they assumed that they were the last humans left alive. Though they weren't sure if they could continue living in the station, Dimitri assured them that his algae system worked; the carbon dioxide they emitted was converted to oxygen by the algae, and thus, they would noway have to worry about clean air. Though he advised that the system was designed for six members, and now there were only three, which was the minimal number of humans needed to keep the system functional. thus, they had to survive because indeed if one of them chose to give up on life, it would mean death to the remaining two. therefore began the attempt to survive within the confined space of the station. The German dogface, Hannah, is upset for her family, Knopf. While the Russian scientist, Dimitri, mourned the death of his son in Vesta 2, Gavin was struck with the consummation of how futile those demurrers were considering the ineluctable fate of humanity. 

 How Does The World Work In The Film? Were Other Humans Alive? 

The “ Rubikon ” world worked on disbenefit points and is enough much the degraded interpretation of the world we know of. The rich thrive, whereas the poor scavenge for food. No government exists, inferring mortal rights and benefits are out of the picture. People are possessed by pots, and the privileged class lives their joyful lives in the air polls. The dogfaces are responsible for keeping the elite class safe, indeed if that means losing their own lives. The system was designed to feed to the many, and Gavin was among those people. His father was a CEO, and indeed though Gavin was compassionate towards those around him, his moral sensibilities always took over. While he assumed he was working for the lesser good, he noway truly knew what it meant to be on the other side of the track. 

 A chip was fitted into every dogface’s neck to keep them under control and cover their movements. womanish dogfaces were to remain sterile till the end of their service, and for that, they were convinced with hormones. Hannah had lived her life following instructions to collect further and further disbenefit points in an attempt to survive. thus, when they entered no response from Earth, she was oblivious to what she was supposed to do. She had always been strict with herself, but now she wondered if it was indeed worth it in the end. Hannah and Gavin set up comfort in each other. They made love in the station, overlooking the Earth that had turned brown. The three played drinking games, danced to music, and set up ways to regale themselves. 

Dimitri was concerned when he started to notice there was an unforeseen change in the color of the algae. It was turning brown from green, though he didn't raise his concern to those on board with him. Meanwhile, Hannah was suitable to connect to a ray comm and set up humans reaching out to them from Earth. These were the CEOs of multiple companies who survived the catastrophe by hiding in their cellarages. There were 300 of them, and they demanded help from Rubikon. They wanted the astronauts to bring the algae system since their oxygen position would ultimately lead to a critical position. It was only through the new system that they could survive. Indeed though Hannah and Gavin incontinently agreed to risk their lives to save the lot, Dimitri wasn't too sure if that was a practical idea. 

 ‘ Rubikon ’ Ending Explained Why Were The Algae Turning Brown? Did The Astronauts Save humanity? 

 All three of them started to notice how the algae were turning brown. Hannah wondered if the system was failing, but Dimitri assured her that there was no reason to worry. He started to study the brown algae sample, and when Hannah and Gavin proposed traveling to Earth, he revealed that Hannah was pregnant. She was shocked since she believed that all dogfaces were sterile, but the hormone system sounded to have failed after the collapse of the central control system. It was her hormonal change that affected the color of the algae, though that didn't change their performance. While the news did take them by surprise, Hannah wanted to continue with the plan. She couldn't give serious study to raising her child in the current script and wanted to concentrate on the charge of bringing the algae system to the remaining humans. As they prepared to launch, the capsule overheated and was about to disintegrate. The three left the capsule and entered the station. Gavin wanted to fix the capsule, knowing that they didn't have the volition to save lives, but Hannah locked him out of it. She knew it was dangerous, and he'd have lost his life in the process. They watched the capsule disintegrate, inferring that their last chance to connect with humanity was lost. 

 When Gavin participated in the news of their launch failure, Esther, the mortal representative, informed him about the IKARUS charge. Gavin asked Hannah to explain the charge to him. She said that the charge needed her to bring the entire algae lab to Earth. For smooth transportation, the algae laboratory was designed in a way that it could be flown down independently. Gavin proposed they use it to reach Earth, though Hannah advised that it was parlous since it couldn't be steered and wasn't meant for ordinary people to fly. 

 Nevertheless, he wanted to give it a try one last time, and Hannah supported his decision. She woke up one night and noticed that the cooling system was dissociated from Vesta purposefully. She brazened Dimitri, and he agreed that he betrayed their trust, though he didn't know that the result would be as disastrous. Hannah refused to hear any explanations. She stated that they would detach the laboratory and use it to launch one further time. Dimitri knew that Hannah wasn't fully induced by the plan, and he asked her to be shameless about wanting to save her life before anyone differently. Dimitri raised material questions regarding the reason why Nibra was suddenly so interested in the algae system, whereas many times back, they didn't indeed watch about it. They chose to shoot a dogface to get it, but what was the reason for the unforeseen hurry? He inferred that Nibra knew what was coming and chose to keep the verity down from the people. He asked if she believed that the CEOs would have helped her had they been in her position. Would she, as a dogface, admit the algae, or would it be used by them to feed their selfish interests? 

On a coming day, Hannah and Galvin spoke with Esther, informing her about their plan to fly with the laboratory. Though Hannah had a condition before agitating the charge, she wanted to have a word with any dogface. She knew there were vacated dogfaces since her family was one, and it was her hopeless attempt to know whether the dogfaces were kept alive or not. Esther was informed that none of the dogfaces survived presently. Their job was to cover the privileged, and after that, they were left to die. The cellarages had only space for the influential, and they didn't wish to partake in it with others, knowing that would affect their inventories. Hannah was devastated after facing reality. She intimately hoped for her family to be alive, but she had forgotten how insignificant the lives of dogfaces were on Earth. This changed her heart, and she refused to risk her life to save the lives of the selfish bunch who survived. Gavin, however, believed that it was their duty to partake in what they had indeed if humanity wasn't generous. He allowed that saving 300 lives was more important than their three lives, especially knowing there were children in the cellarages. He tied Dimitri to a seat, kept Hannah locked out of the lab, and allowed her to enter when they were about to take off. Hannah tried to be selfless, but she couldn't reason with herself and eventually chose to fight Galvin to get access to the system and destroy it. Gavin was furious. He was ashamed of how tone-absorbed Dimitri and Hannah were. To force his will upon them, he entered the depressor area and committed self-murder. He knew that the algae system needed three people to serve duly, and he hoped that Hannah and Dimitri would fix the system and fly down to Earth if their own lives were at threat. Dimitri couldn't hold back his gashes since the three-people rule was a commodity he made up to help Galvin from committing self-murder. Galvin’s body was pushed out of the station, and we see him float in a water body at the end of “ Rubikon. ” He always believed that a life spent without living on Earth wasn't worth living, and, in the end, his spirit did flow on the water body depicting his oneness with nature. 

 “ Rubikon ” takes us back many times latterly, and we learn that Hannah gave birth to a girl who knows the Rubikon as her home. Hannah and Dimitri continue to live in the station, inferring that they chose to survive in the end, no matter what. When Hannah went to sleep, the little girl sneaked out and discovered the ray comm. She heard a sprat speaking from the other end, and she responded. They were children from Earth who were playing with the old device. They spoke from the southern camps and wondered where this mysterious girl lived. She responded that she was from Rubikon. They asked her if she could play outdoors now that the air was clearing, but the little girl said that her mama instructed her to not go outdoors since she couldn't breathe there. The children assumed that she was from the Northern Hemisphere since that was the area where the air continued to be poisonous. They asked her to look for help since there were always people searching for survivors. They added that grown-ups now believed in helping one another since everything is different now. The little girl looked out of the station window at the Earth. The earth was back to its former form. This commerce inferred that humanity was suitable to fight the catastrophe, and it was only after a catastrophe that humans learned to help each other. Indeed though Hannah chose to not help humanity, people together set up a way to fight the extremity. But in an attempt to save their lives, Hannah and Dimitri were stuck at the station, and it was their decision that left the little girl, Knopf, down from all that the world had to offer. “ Rubikon, ” in a way, criticizes the decision made by Hannah and Dimitri and upholds the point of view of Galvin. still, I feel that's a superficial way to deal with a deep-confirmed issue similar to class politics. 

At the end of “ Rubikon, ” it can also be suspected that the whole catastrophe was man-made. perhaps it was a way to cleanse the Earth of the working class whose consumption of natural coffers would have affected the privileged someday or another. Especially knowing how the Earth was the only livable earth, the elite class could have set up a way to keep the cornucopia of nature for themselves, indeed if that meant spending many times in their cellarages. Though this is a largely academic argument, and there aren't numerous hints left of it in the series, piecemeal from the fact that it's strange how normality was reached and the earth now belongs to the rich only. 

 “ Rubikon ” is a 2022 Drama Science Fiction film directed by Magdalena Lauritsch. 

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