‘ Alba ’ Ending, Explained Did Alba Find Evidence Against Ruben And Jacobo? What Was Alba’s Plan?

“ Alba, ” the 2022 Spanish series, is grounded on a Turkish TV show named “ What's Fatmagul’s fault ”( firstly named Fatmagul ’ un Sucu Ne in Turkish). The series, directed by Humberto Miro, Carlota Pereda, and Pablo Guerrero, takes us through the life of a rape victim who not only survives the horrendous crime,but is ready to put up a fight and make sure that the shamefaced people are put behind bars. The series addresses all the prejudices and stereotypical connotations that we as a society have against rape victims. It’s not a courtroom drama or a suspension suspenser, but it creates ggut-wrenchingconflicts that force you to go into deep tone- evaluation. The 13- occasion series is a slow burn and frequently designedly sluggish in its pace, which in turn successfully prevents you from having an apathetic approach towards the events. Your stomach churns, and it makes you uneasy, however, in my opinion, a dramatic end nearly adulterated the effectiveness of the cause at hand, still, through Alba, you get a perspective, empathize with her, and get an idea about the unstable scales of our society. 

Spoilers Ahead

 A Fateful Incident 

 Alba Llorens was a girl who liked living her life on her own terms. She met Bruno in Madrid, but she had known him from ahead. He was from Alba’s birthplace, but she had preconceived sundries about him and the gang he used to hang out with. They got to know each other in Madrid and ultimately moved in together. They were growing closer with every passing day, and they both knew that they had set up that special bone with whom they were ready to spend the rest of their lives. Alba and Bruno were both going back to their birthplace for some time-out to decompress. While Bruno was driving with his musketeers, Alba had chosen to not come with him and rather went on her own. She wasn't comfortable around his musketeers and had noway met them since they started dating. She always believed that Bruno merited a much better company as compared to these rich, putrefied brats. Bruno always tried to move her that his musketeers weren't so bad and that she should give them a chance at least. But Alba was firm about her decision, and she had communicated the same to Bruno. They reached their birthplace. Alba met Bego, her stylish friend, and also Tirso, whom she had formerly dated. Tirso felt betrayed when she told him that she was seeing Bruno. 

 Tirso still wanted to be with Alba, but she had made up her mind. She was happy with Bruno and saw a future with him. Alba decided to go to an original bar named Kevin’s that night with Bego. A group of four youthful men was lurking around the girls, but the bartender and Bego shooed them off. latterly that night, notoriety spiked Alba’s drink, and she lost control of her knowledge. She couldn’t find Bego and started walking towards her home alone. On her way, she was stopped by many guys, whom she couldn’t fete, as she had blurred vision due to whatever was mixed in her drink. The coming day, beforehand in the morning, she set up herself lying on the sand, with bruises on her whole body. She ever managed to get herself together and visit the original croaker. The croaker told her that, in all probability, she had been ravished the day ahead. Alba was numb. She didn’t know what to do. Tono Llorens, her family, Miriam, his woman, and Bruno incontinently arrived at the scene. They asked her if she had any recollection of the incident, but a traumatized Alba couldn’t recall anything. 

 The Dysfunctional Entrerrios Family 

Ruben and Jacobo Entrerrios were first relatives, and Hugo Roig was the son of a Colonel, and himself in the army. Bruno Costa, who was a part of their group, had veritably different parenting as compared to theirs. Bruno came from a humble background and was brought up by his aunt, Clara, after the death of his parents. His aunt ran a grocery/ vegetable cube, and everybody in society knew that though he hung out with the notorious rich kiddies of the city, there was a stark difference between his personality and theirs. Ruben and Jacobo always had a licentious aspect and didn’t mind condescending low to satisfy their carnal solicitations. That night, when Alba was being ravished, she flashed back to seeing a tattoo on the arm of one of the guys. When she gave the description of the tattoo, Bruno knew exactly who joe was. Hugo Roig had the same tattoo, and Bruno went to defy him without telling anybody. That’s when Ruben and Jacobo tell him that he was involved in the act. Bruno was shocked. How could he do that to his own gal, who trusted and loved him so much? The disclosure made him feel claustrophobic, and he wanted to die of guilt. He went back to Alba but didn’t tell her anything about what he'd just learned from his musketeers. 

 Victor Entrerrios, the head of the family, was in a delicate physical state. The sisters, Mariano and Ivan( Victor’s sons), knew that they would inherit all the property and controlling shares in the company after their father. But Victor had planned commodity differently. He gave the controlling power to Mariano’s woman, Mercedes. He called her to his room and gave her this piece of information. But Mercedes was enveloped by unforeseen rapacity. She couldn’t stay longer to be in power. She had waited all her life to be in a commanding position, and eventually, she could see her dreams turning into reality. Victor had a respiratory outfit on at all times, which helped him breathe. She snared that, which made him choke and die incontinently. Mercedes came the uncrowned empress of the Entrerrios conglomerate. She wanted Ruben to act further responsibly as he was now the heir at law to the conglomerate. But Ruben wasn't notoriety who would hear to what others had to say. Mercedes was spooked that his geste 

 would lead to Jacobo, Ivan’s son, gaining the influence. But Ruben and Jacobo didn’t have a that competitive feeling between them. Ruben was happy that Jacobo was the further responsible one, who went to all the board meetings and learned further about the business, while he socialized and vile off utmost of his time in pursuit of debauchery. Eloy wasn't only the in-house legal counsel for the Entrerrios family for quite some time but also someone whom the departed Victor Entrerrios trusted further than his own sons. Eloy knew each and every secret about the Entrerrios family, and that's why when he came to know about the crime that the boys had committed, he took charge of the effects and started mollifying the situation. 

What Secret Did Hugo expose? 

 Bruno hadn’t told anything to Alba, because he was told by Jacobo that he, too, was involved in the act. He didn’t know how to tell her and kept her under the rationale that he was as ignorant of the events as she was. Lieutenant Giner, who was probing the case, constantly asked Alba if she flashed back anything, but she didn’t. Giner had set up a cell phone from the scene, and she hoped that it had some indicting substantiation. In reality, Bruno hadn’t done anything. He was just being framed by Jacobo and Ruben so that he'd not go against them. Giner was probing in a completely different direction as she was being misled by Cesar, a police officer who was working for the Entrerrios. Eloy had promised to look after the medical charges of Cesar’s son, and in turn, demanded his constancy towards the family. Cesar tampered with the substantiation and made sure that the blame for the crime was put on a group of four boys, who were also present that night in Kevin’s bar. The auto in which the suspects were traveling crashed while being chased down by Cesar. also, Cesar managed to push it off a precipice and plant the fake substantiation before doing that. Though Giner had ultimately realized that Cesar was working for the Entrerrios family, she didn’t have any substantiation to prove it. 

 Hugo Roig, unlike Ruben and Jacobo, was getting eaten by all the guilt. He knew veritably well that Bruno wasn't involved in the act, but he'd his own scores and forces, which were stopping him from confessing the crime. Hugo loved Ruben and he knew that if he confessed to the crime, it would mean that Ruben would have to bear the consequences too. But he couldn’t stop himself. He'd to tell Alba that it was them who was responsible for what she had to go through. So he wrote a dispatch to Alba from an anonymous address and attached the videotape of that night that they had taken. 

 In that videotape, indeed Bruno was seen, and though he'd passed out without knowing what his mates were over to, Alba didn’t know that. She got the videotape and was deeply hurt by knowing that her own swain had done commodity like this to her. Bruno was also made to believe by Jacobo that he was part of the act, so he didn’t argue with Alba and accepted his crime, however deep down, he knew that he could no way have done anything like this. But his words held no weight, as the videotape showed a completely different picture. Bruno’s family was constantly being covered by the Entrerrios family. Bruno had been formerly assaulted by a masked man, and he was spooked that they would do commodity to his aunt Clara and Alba’s family. 

 That masked man was Cesar, and though he didn’t want to scarify Bruno, his son’s life lay in the hands of the Entrerrois family. Alba didn’t tell anything to assistant Giner and kept staying with Bruno, as she knew that her conduct could risk the safety of her family. But Bruno has a change of heart. He could no longer live with all the guilt and abomination that he saw in Alba’s eyes. Alba despised each and every moment that she had to live in the same house as Bruno. The imagery of that night was hanging her. Bruno tells her to give the videotape to assistant Giner, as he was ready to immolate himself for justice. He knew that it would also criminate him, but he had no other option. He couldn’t see Alba living in similar misery. Alba goes to the police headquarters and gives Giner the videotape. It caused an uproar in the media and shocked Ruben, Jacob, and their whole family, as they didn’t know who had blurted the videotape. Hugo stayed quiet and awaited for the legal system to take its course. Mercedes, Ruben’s mama, knew Manuel Cruz, who was going to be the sitting judge in the case. She communicated with him and tried to invite him to reject the case grounded on inadequate substantiation. She indulged with him, in the stopgap that he'd help her son, but rather, he decided that Alba’s case had enough graces and would go to trial. 

How Did Mercedes Cause A Mistrial? 

 The case went to trial, and the media started its game of victim condemning. People, as usual, had a lot to say about the character of a woman who parties till late and consumes alcohol and medicines. The Entrerrios family wasn't leaving any gravestone unturned and were trying to hurt and discredit Alba in every way possible. Alba had formerly been in an amateur relationship in the academy with Ruben, and they used that piece of information to prove in the court of law that she was doing all of this for plutocrats. Marta Villar was fighting the case for Alba, and she knew that the verity was going to come out in front of everybody. Lieutenant Giner was looking into the anonymous correspondence that Alba had gotten, which had the videotape of the incident attached to it. She came to know that it was Hugo who had transferred the correspondence. 
 Marta knew that she had to move Hugo and appeal to his heart so that he witnessed against Ruben and Jacobo and also stated the fact that Bruno wasn’t involved in all this. But Hugo isn’t suitable to muster the courage to go against his love interest, Ruben. But he does one thing. He goes to Alba and tells her that Bruno didn’t do anything that night and that he passed out the moment he arrived at the scene. Alba was relieved. She noway truly believed with all her heart that Bruno could hurt her, and now with the unofficial evidence of Hugo, she knew that she was right in allowing so. Alba's flame, Tirso, confessed in court that he'd ended the Entrerrios boys the medicines that they had mixed in Alba’s drink. It incriminates Tirso, but much like Bruno, he was also ready to make the immolation if it helped Alba get justice. 

 After the cross-examination of the victim and the indicted individualities, Eloy knew that the court could favor Alba as she did have a strong case. So Mercedes comes up with a master plan. She tells the media that she had an affair with one of the judges on the case and that her boys were being targeted because that judge wanted to take vengeance on her. In reality, Justice Manuel Cruz knew that Mercedes was just framing him. But these grounds were sufficient to make the proceedings invalid, and it was declared a mistrial. Alba and Marta are anguished as they were close to a palm, but a cheap ploy by Mercedes meant that the indicted party got some time to suppose about their strategy and come up with some other result to substantiate the allegations. 

‘ Alba ’ Ending Explained Did Alba Find substantiation Against Ruben And Jacobo? What Was Alba’s Plan? 

Hugo could no longer take the guilt and shot himself dead in front of Ruben. He was in a hopeless situation. He couldn’t go against Ruben, but at the same time, couldn’t live with the fact that he'd ruined a girl’s life and given the traumas that would hang her ever. Before committing self-murder, he'd left a note in which he'd taken responsibility for his conduct and also record down exactly what had happed. Alba got the note, but she knew that it wasn’t enough to prove that Jacobo and Ruben ravished her. formerly again, it fell to Hugo’s words against theirs, and she knew that they would find some way to discredit it. But one thing that came out in Hugo’s self-murder note was the fact that she wasn't the first victim of the boys. Ruben and Jacobo had done this earlier too. They also came across a schoolteacher who had been molested by Mariano, Ruben’s father. It ran in the blood, and she knew that if she had to condemn them, she had to find some concrete substantiation against the Entrerrois family. Alba came to know that Mariano was the natural father of her whoreson Luisito. 
 Tono’s woman, Miriam, had an affair with Mariano, who left her after he knew that she was pregnant. Miriam had also set up Ruben’s ring at the scene of the crime but abstained from informing the authorities about the same because she wanted to blackmail Mercedes into giving her further plutocrat, in addition to what she was formerly getting from Mariano. Alba and indeed Tono was deeply hurt by this disclosure. With Bego’s help, Alba was suitable to join a secret converse group, of which Jacobo was a part. Meanwhile, Bruno tried to dig up further information by winning the trust of Jacobo. He told Jacobo that being with Alba was a big mistake, and he rued doing so and going against him. Alba came to know through the converse group that Jacobo used to take the undergarments of his victims as monuments and had hidden them nearly in his bedroom. Eloy had decided to force Mercedes to subscribe to a contract where she gave up her controlling shares, as he'd the videotape where Mercedes was seen killing Victor Entrerrois. But Mercedes didn’t stay quiet. She redressed by making public all the information that Victor had kept under his safe guardianship for all those times. All the illegal and fraudulent conditioning of the family was out in the open, and Mercedes had planned to escape the country with Ruben, but he made a reckless decision that spoiled his mama’s plan. Ruben abducted Alba and took her to an artificial demesne possessed by the family. He informed Jacobo, who at the time had gone to meet Bruno. Jacobo was shocked after the phone call he got from his kinsman Ruben, and Bruno, who had been looking for a missing Alba, knew that commodity was questionable. Bruno slid his phone inside Jacobo’s fund so that he could track him down and find out about his whereabouts of Alba. Bruno called Cesar( who had stopped doing favors to the Entrerrois family), and together they went after Jacobo. At the artificial demesne, Ruben induced Jacobo that it was in their stylish interest to kill Alba and put an end to all the allegations. But Bruno arrived at that moment and saved Alba. Cesar had formerly called the police, and the heavily injured Ruben and his kinsman Jacobo were taken under guardianship. further girls came forward and gave their testaments against Jacobo and Ruben. The police also set up the undergarments that Jacobo collected as monuments. With indicting substantiation against both the sisters and other fraudulent conditioning of the family coming to light, the people knew that the downfall of the Entrerrios conglomerate had begun. 
Alba got justice, but in the process, she suffered a lot. She didn’t know whether she'd be suitable to carry on with her life and cherish it like ahead, but she wasn't notoriety who would get embrangle down by the struggles and traumas. She was a fighter, and she knew that she had the unvarying support of Bruno and her family Tono. She had musketeers like Bego and Tirso, who were always there for her. Her trip and her fight against injustice were an alleviation for all those girls who had been scouted and bodied by men and oppressed by society. Not only did she fight against the heinous crimes committed against her but also the deeply embedded prejudices of the society that, for periods, had made sure that ladies noway enjoy equal status and are brainwashed in a manner where they don’t find anything wrong in the discriminative geste 
 of men. 
 “ Alba ” is a 2022 Drama Series created by Carlos Martín and Ignasi Rubio. 

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