‘Honeymoon With My Mother’ Ending, Explained Does Jose Luis Save His Parent’s Marriage?

“ Honeymoon with My Mother,” a vibrant Spanish comedy film from Netflix, depicts the story of a youthful boy named Jose Luis who's rejected on the balcony by his love. Also, he must spend his honeymoon with his mother, who's presently his least favorite person, to redeem the quantum he has lost. When Jose thinks his mother is the most prickly person on the earth, she chooses to see the bright side and have as important fun as she can. 

Jose is set to marry when a man arrives at his marriage, knocks down the‘ LOVE’ sign, and whisks his gal down in a beat-up red machine in the name of genuine love. Jose’s heart is broken, but his mama tells him the verity this marriage was doomed from the morning. Jose’s mama is outraged when he reveals that he has formerly paid for his honeymoon in Mauritius. When they get to the booking office, effects take a turn for the worse, and Jose must decide whether or not to travel to Mauritius alone. Let’s take a look at how a mama and son’s love might be revivified. 

‘Honeymoon With My Mother’ Plot Summary What Does Mari Carmen Do To Win Her Son Over? 

 Jose and his mother, Mari Carmen, go to the trip agency that reserved their honeymoon in Mauritius after being abandoned on the balcony. Jose’s mama, Mari, could see that he couldn’t make a strong enough case for the plutocrat to be returned because of his internal insecurity. When the booking agent maintained his position, he challenged her, saying she should go on her honeymoon with her son. She gradationally irritates Jose before telling him that they can go together. Jose’s mother, seeing her hubby’s preoccupation with his oil, advises Jose to consider going. When Jose learns that his mother has noway traveled ahead, he decides that he should accompany her. While Jose’s feelings are still in shambles, his mother agrees to collect her things and depart right down. 

 A receptionist named Montse informs them that their honeymoon suite is ready in a lavish hostel in Mauritius. To be allowed to use the suite, Jose’s mother claims her son to be her hubby. Although this appears to be suspicious, the receptionist goes through with it. Jose is about to have an agony when they're led to their apartments. His mother is thrilled with all the royal treatment. 

 Jose struggles to perceive his mother as a probative figure and personality in his life as they both embark on this trip together. He’s still coming to terms with the grief of his gal abandoning him on the balcony. Mari recognizes her son’s torture and attempts to make her presence a drinking addition to the terrain, but he simply wants his space. She decides to come acquainted with the bar. When she's at the bar, she meets a man named Armando, who introduces her to a Daiquiri, the only drink she ever has at the hostel. Armando and Mari come close to musketeers. It's time for Mari to mileage herself of a small stint machine that comes on with the honeymoon package to see the timbers of Mauritius. When Jose sees a golden-haired woman in denim films come down the stairs of the machine, his heart skips many beats. His trip just turned out to be a bit better than he anticipated.

 Jose seizes the occasion to get near to Sara, the hostel’s assigned islet stint companion. Looking at her makes him feel alive, and when he speaks to her, he believes he has a shot. His mama, on the other hand, isn't wisecracked. Jose and his mother, Mari, return to the hostel stumped after going to the incorrect establishment for a rum slice and being ripped off. On the same day, in the evening, the hostel sets up a game for suckers or newlyweds to capture sliced papaya on their lips and hand it over to the other nut via the mouth. Jose finds it delicate to be spirited throughout the game, but he must go on since his mama insists on keeping the idea of him being her partner so she doesn't lose the room. They both win the race, but Jose can no longer bear having to deal with his mother. Jose and Mari quarrel and argue, and Mari forces him to drink water from the valve that they aren't allowed to drink. Mari leaves the suite fatigued after a furious exchange of words and walks to the bar, where she meets with Armando again. 

 The receptionist tries to hit on Jose while Jose has a disturbing breadbasket grumble with Sara due to the water he consumed. Jose is trying to use the bathroom but rather pukes on Montse. After Armando has induced Mari, she agrees to accompany him to a party on the islet. She tries a weed called Green Emerald. She's hugely enamored with this, and when they both return to the room, Armando sees Jose for the first time. Jose is surprised to see his mother up and jogging the coming morning as if nothing had happed the night ahead.

 When Jose sees his mama having so important fun and he's missing out, he decides he wants a piece of it as well. He chooses to let her lead the way to a better holiday in Mauritius by telling her that they should do effects together, which leads to their being arrested when they go to a shopkeeper who's an undercover bobby and ask for the unique cannabis known as Green Emerald. When Mari and her son are locked, they begin to bond and revitalize their relationship. 

‘Honeymoon With My Mother’ Ending Explained Does Jose Help His Father Make Amends With His Mother? 

Jose and his mother are now confined and must figure out how to get out of this situation. Jose calls Sara to inform her what passed when they're allowed one phone call. She saves them, astounded by his action. Sara and Jose begin to form a bond, just as Jose begins to form a bond with his mother. 

 Jose realizes he knows nothing about his mother during an unconcerned shot- convinced face-off, indeed though his mother knows everything there's to know about his life. He understands that he's being challenged with a commodity new in his life with a sense of spirit. To gain a deeper understanding of his mother. Sara puts this into reality when she discovers his mother hanging out with Armando, whom she believes shouldn’t have been with her in the first place. When Jose’s defensive instincts protest, he asks his mother about Armando’s presence in his mother’s life. 

Mari is infuriated by Jose’s claims, and the two have a fight in which Sara learns that Jose was ditched on the balcony. Sara becomes bothered and walks down, while Jose, who has been slighted by his mama, also walks down, speechless. His mother enters the suite latterly and tells him that this is the first time she has had to touch him. There remains a sense of resentment between the two for the remainder of the night. When Jose tries to move his mother that she was jealous of him and his wants and that all he wanted to do was leave the house and live life on his terms, an altercation follows. The night turns sour, and Armando arrives at the suite the coming morning to find her quilting and getting ready to depart. 

 Armando inserts two packets of white greasepaint anesthetics into Mari Carmen’s wallet and hides them under her clothes when she's about to depart when she's changing to go out with him. They get ready to head out as she emerges with a bright smile. Jose has many loose ends to tie up before the end of the day. He meets with Sara to apologize, but all she says is that he needs to make amends with his mother. Jose reflects and decides to telephone his father to inform him that he has failed in his marriage and that his woman is pleased to leave him for another man she has lately discovered. For this marriage to endure and thrive for the rest of their eternity, he must amend his ways. The father pays close attention to his son’s words and makes arrangements. 

After finishing the phone call with his father, Jose finds a flowery shirt and pants staying for him on the bed. He hastily gets dressed and sets out to find his mother. When he learns that she's attending a marriage on an islet not far from theirs, he believes that she'll marry Armando and their relationship will be over. To get to the boat, he steals a hostel perambulator and jumps in to get to the boat he drives through the water to the islet, yelling that she mustn't marry him. Mari Carmen makes it clear that she's not. She's simply attending someone additional’s marriage. This perplexes him. She only informed Armando she was married to Jose deceiving everyone but that was only half the verity. Jose claims that she had good reason to leave him and his father because Armando treats her well, but Mari counters that Armando is also a miscreant. 

 Armando is complex, so Mari informs him that when she and her son were in jail, she discovered that due to Armando’s remitment of a hotel, she had to telephone the Consulate, who informed her that he was a wanted miscreant in three countries. She also discloses the white greasepaint sachets he stuffed into her wallet to smuggle across borders. When Armando is intertwined, he reaches for the bag to get the packets, but Jose comes to his mother’s aid, and Armando sucker punches him, telling him he can’t harm her son. The hostel’s receptionist arrives on the islet just in time to discover that they're a mama and son using the honeymoon room, which isn't permitted. After Jose makes it up to his mother, Montse, the receptionist, tries to stop Armando from hitting on her and apprehensions him. 

 Final Words 

 “ Honeymoon With My Mother” concludes with both the son and mother returning home to their father, who has saluted them warmly. He’s also planned a trip to Paris to view the Eiffel Tower and enjoy a romantic date with his woman. Mari Carmen is overjoyed, and she’s formerly planning the coming leg of her trip. Jose’s father follows through on his pledge to do better for his son and woman. Jose moves about the house, doubtful of what will be next because he has no way lived alone ahead and has only lately discovered how it feels. 

 His mother leaves a nice communication on the machine, telling him that there's enough food in the fridge for him and that she'd always love him no matter what. It begs the question of what Jose will do now that he's fully alone.‘Honeymoon With My Mama’honors is a connection to which we may each relate in some way. The squabbling, the differing perspectives of a parent-child relationship in which two generations are still trying to figure out what each other wants. However, this is the film to watch, If you want to see a slow-burning drama. 

 “ Honeymoon with My Mother” is a 2022 Drama Comedy film directed by Paco Caballero. 

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