The Tinder Swindler Movie Ending Explained!

A documentary that isn't boring and feels like a factual movie? Netflix always got it. Now they came up with the story of a professional con in the crime love talkie movie, The Tinder Swindler. 

Directed by Felicity Morris, The Tinder Swindler was first released on February 2, 2022, on Netflix. It runs for around 114 twinkles. 

 With Kristoffer Kumar as the photographer and Julian Hart as the editor, this movie follows the story of an Israeli con artist called Simon Leviev. He used to turn to the courting app Tinder to find women and manipulate their passions to give him a large quantum of a plutocrat, which he uses to support his lavish life. His system is by using a Ponzi scheme, fiddle one woman to attract another woman, and the cycle goes on. 

All of the records that are involved in this movie are real and grounded on the story of the victims, as well as from the news outlet. The movie heavily took the resource from Norwegian news media named VG, which reported and latterly contributed to arrest him, in the point with the title The Tinder Swindler as well. 

 Netflix has successfully made this talkie film into a commodity that people want to see, making it as if it's a factual amusing movie. It also can serve as a warning for people who are now really into Tinder or other courting operations, to be more careful with people whom they meet on the internet. 

 Considering how it relates to people currently, no wonder that Tinder Swindler explodes and becomes popular. The movie reached45.8 million of hours of views across the globe in the first week of its release. It also came in the top 10 most-watched in 92 countries. 

 People love this show. IMDB gives this movie7.4 out of 10 scores, while Rotten Tomatoes impressively gives it 95 critics’ reviews and 82 followership scores. 

 So, what's the movie about and how is the ending? Read further to find out, but we've to advise you that it'll be full of * major spoilers *. 

 The Tinder Swindler What Is It About? 

 The Tinder Swindler follows the story of the con artist Shimon Yehuda Hayut who has scammed so numerous women all over the world. The Times of Israel reported that in 2017, Shimon Hayut tried to avoid trial for colorful fraud-affiliated charges, and flew to Europe. For a coming couple of times, he traveled around Scandinavian countries and fairly changed his name to Simon Leviev, posing himself as the son of Russian-Israel billionaire Lev Leviev, the proprietor of the giant diamond company. 

 He met women on Tinder and ran a Ponzi scheme. He tried to invite women by giving them precious gifts, and luxurious feasts, and flew with a private spurt to numerous countries, partying every night, with the plutocrat that he got from the former women. He latterly will ask to adopt plutocrat from the women to pay for his lavish life and to buy luxurious gifts for the coming woman. He told the woman that he borrows the plutocrat for security reasons from his adversaries. And the cycle keeps going on. 

 The Tinder Swindler Ending Explained 

At the end of the talkie The Tinder Swindler, we can see that with the help of big news media outlets to publicize Simon Leviev’s case, a woman who's also his victim came apprehensive of him as a con artist and helped them to arrest Simon. She also trapped him and eventually he got caught. 

 He was charged for faking his passport with the fake name David Sharon. He, still, wasn’t charged for the fraud. He was doomed to 15 months in jail but only served five months. The women whom he has been a fraud still have to pay for the debts they took for Simon until this day. 

Simon refused to be part of the talkie and indeed hovered that he'll sue Netflix (Enola Holmes) for vilification. It's presently reported that his sentry will sue Netflix as well. 

 Simon now lives his normal life as a business counsel, has a Russian model as his gal, and still lives a glamorous life. It's still unclear how he gets the plutocrat, but there's no evidence that he’s involved in fraud cases again since he has been banned on Tinder. 

Tinder officially stated, “ We've conducted internal examinations and can confirm Simon Leviev is no longer active on Tinder under any of his given aliases”. 

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