‘All the Old Knives’ Movie Ending Explained: Did Celia Betray Henry?

 “ All the Old Knives” is directed by Janus Metz and written by Olen Steinhauer (who is also the author of the book the movie is grounded on). It opens with the 2012 kidnapping of Flight 127 by terrorists and the Vienna platoon of the CIA trying to make head or tail of the situation. The platoon features Henry Pelham (Chris Pine), Celia Harrison (Thandiwe Newton), Vick Wallinger (Laurence Fishburne), Bill Compton (Jonathan Pryce), Ernst Paul (Jonjo O’Neill), Leila Maloof (Ahd), and Owen Lassiter (David Dawson), all of whom fail to capture the terrorists or save any of the passengers on board. On top of that, their failure led to the death of a snitch who was giving the CIA precious information about the kidnapping. 

Eight times latterly, the case is restarted after the architect behind the attack, Ilyas Shushani (Orli Shuka), is captured, who reveals that an operative in the CIA blurted information to the terrorists, thereby leading to the debacle. Vick calls in Henry to relook into the case and interview/ interrogate Bill Compton and Celia Harrison because the calls that went from Vienna to Iran came from their phones. Henry visits Bill and also zeroes in on Celia after Vick basically tells Henry to kill Celia for her apparent treason. Henry visits Celia at an eatery of her choice, and over the course of a lengthy discussion, all kinds of trueness come to the face, leaving Henry, Celia, and the followership’s jaws on the bottom. 

 Major Spoilers Ahead 

Why Does Vick Wallinger Shoot Henry Pelham To Get Celia Harrison? 

 The reason that’s originally given to us is that Langley has officially opened the case on Flight 127 and planted out about Bill and Celia’s apparent involvement in the debacle of the hostage situation and their snitch’s death. So, Vick wants Henry to go after them because Vick is apprehensive of Henry’s propinquity to Bill and Celia ( especially Celia, because of their romantic history). And we're made to assume that Vick believes that Henry is the only person who can get close enough to the brace without raising any red flags and help the CIA get evidence of their hand in the 2012 incident. 

 But the truth is quite the contrary. Vick sends Henry to go after Celia because Celia is the only person who can get evidence of Henry’s involvement in the Flight 127 debacle without raising any red flags. It’s not veritably clear, but Henry goes after Bill on his own, because he's the person that Henry set up as the goat on the off chance that the CIA conducted a disquisition. Still, Vick fools Henry into allowing that he’s heading into an interview with Celia because it's the other way around. Why doesn’t Vick kill him off directly and make it look like death by self-murder (like it ultimately happens)? For the audible concession and to make effects a little racy. 

 Was Bill Compton Guilty Of Betraying The CIA? 

 No, not. Bill was framed by Henry because Bill’s phone was accessible to Henry, and Bill’s uneven exits from the office because of his woman’s illness could be framed as a reason Bill made to establish contact with the terrorists or those who are helping said terrorists. Henry wanted Bill to be the fall joe, and Henry pushes all his buttons at the cantina to try and make him say commodity that would allow Henry to criminate Bill. But since Bill sticks to his verity, he walks free. That’s why he can advise Celia about the fact that Henry is looking for an operative in the CIA. And now that Henry is done with Bill, he’s going to come after Celia because she’s one of the two people with access to Bill’s phone in Vienna and one of the two who made a call to Iran. 

Why Did Ilyas Shushani Orchestrate The Kidnapping Of Flight 127? 

 On the face, the commander looked like a stereotyped, Islamophobic depiction of a Muslim character taking innocent lives in the name of Allah. But the actuality of multiple layers to this hostage situation was suggested through Henry’s backstory. During one of Henry’s first operations, he was assigned to a case in Moscow, where he got in touch with Ilyas in the expedient of getting information on an impending terrorist attack. Henry not only won Ilyas’s trust but came close with Ilyas’s family. When the terrorist attack happed, and people failed (a commodity that Ilyas had nothing to do with), The CIA asked Henry to give up Ilyas to the Russians to avoid making the CIA look like an idiot. The CIA indeed went ahead with it, despite Henry’s disapprobation, causing Ilyas to be taken down from his family. 

 Also, it was explicitly stated that Henry was part of the reason why Ilyas decided to make the kidnapping be in Vienna. It’s not just a coexistence. When Ilyas was taken down, he was brutalized by the Russians. When Ilyas fled with his family to Iran, he couldn’t rehabilitate his sick son due to the warrants on the country by the USA, thereby causing Ilyas’s son’s death. None of this would’ve happened if the CIA didn’t give up Ilyas to the Russians. None of this would’ve happened if Henry didn’t treat Ilyas as his contact. None of this would’ve happened if the people indicted for war crimes were penalized and not their victims. 

 So, yes, the commandeer was Ilyas’s way of laterally getting back at those who caused his family’s death. Contemporaneously, it was Ilyas’s way of making Henry witness the fear of losing a loved one. Ilyas used the hostages to lead both Henry and Celia (because Ilyas is apprehensive of Henry’s love for Celia) down from each other and possessed them. And also Ilyas hovered to kill Celia if Henry didn’t give information on the Americans and Austrians’ plans of action. Since Henry chose Celia over the CIA snitch and the lives of the hostages, Ilyas forced Henry to live with the blood of hundreds on his hands. Henry suffered the mass of Ilyas’s wrathfulness towards the USA and Russia, kind of like the millions of Muslims around the world who end up being contributory damage because of bad publicity and transnational programs. 

 Was Henry Pelham Going To Frame Or Kill Celia Harrison? 

Not at each. Henry explicitly stated that everything he did was a ploy to save Celia. He calculated the fact that if the CIA traced back the way of the Vienna platoon, they would zero in on Bill because Henry made the Iran call through his phone. He didn’t anticipate Celia taking down the number from Bill’s phone and making a call. He didn’t prevision Celia going down the proverbial rabbit hole, right into Ilyas’s trap and being used by Ilyas to hang Henry. Through some clever editing, we're made to suppose that Celia faked her feelings to strategically get out of the Vienna structure and communicate with the terrorists. But that wasn’t the case at all. Henry said audibly that he wasn’t there at the eatery to kill or get Celia arrested. He said that he wanted to do this interview because he'd been asked to do so. Also, he was going to make a bloated report about the interview and shoot it to the CIA on a different route and off their tails. The real reason why Henry agreed to solicit all was that he wanted to check regarding Celia’s abrupt exit from their passionate relationship. 

‘All the Old Knives’ Ending Explained Why Did Celia Harrison Kill Henry Pelham? 

 The reason why Celia left the relationship was a call from an Iranian number on Henry’s phone. She assumed that Henry was involved with the terrorists and had caused the death of the CIA snitch and the passengers aboard Flight 127. That’s why she bolted and ran as far down from Henry as she conceivably could. She got married, had a sprat, and was living her life tension-free. Until the case was restarted and the CIA planted Henry’s involvement in the case. Bill advised Celia about the fact that Henry was coming after both of them. Since she stressed that Henry was going to take her down from her family or her family down from her, she agreed to unite with the CIA operation headed by Karl (Corey Johnson) to take down Henry. She didn’t know anything about Henry’s sweats to save Celia from being killed by Ilyas’s men or that he created all this diversion so that the CIA wouldn’t touch her. “ All the Old Knives” ends on a positive note, with Celia going back to her family. But when you suppose about it, Celia has to live her life with the knowledge that she intentionally killed her rescuer by trusting the most manipulative association in the world, i.e., the CIA. 

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