' Uncharted' Ending and End Credits Scenes Full Explained

 Let's unload everything and explain what exactly happens at the end of Uncharted. 

 Fans of the action-adventure series Uncharted have long been staying for the games to get a big-screen adaption and, after a series of detainments, eventually now have the chance to see the film. Starring Tom Holland as Nathan “ Nate” Drake and Mark Wahlberg as Victor “ Sully” Sullivan, it's a film that has been entering largely mixed reviews. Still, despite the story’s numerous excrescencies, it also offers an ending that's the film’s high point and sets up what may be more adventures in the future. 

 Therefore, as we swatch in for potentially further Uncharted on the horizon, it's as good a time as any to see where the story leaves off and what it might mean for the future. In case it wasn’t formerly clear, this piece will break down both the ending of the movie and the end credits sequences. So if you haven’t seen the film and want to go by clean, stylish bookmark this runner to come back later. However, or just want to learn about what's coming next, also you’ve come to the right place to get word on how this first entry wraps up If you have. 

The following contains spoilers for the Uncharted movie

 Following a brief separation, after they both had to detrain the hard way, the ending of the film sees Sully and Nate reunite at the celebrated Magellan vessels with all the treasure planted therein. They were angry with each other up until this moment, however, will have to team up to survive. This is because they're nearly followed by Tati Gabrielle’s assessing Braddock and her mercenaries that are also after the pillages that the vessels hold. Through some quick thinking, they hide as the crew airlifts both vessels grandly into the air. The two comers decide they will fight their way up the boat to take over the copter presently holding it airborne. 

 They manage to do so with a degree of covert and Sully commandeers the copter with the intent of flying away while Nate waits down below. It proves not to be so easy when Braddock attempts to board their boat with her own by ordering the copter to swerve towards them. Yes, you read that rightly. What follows is an air battle between the two vessels as they circle each other. It's as absurd as it all sounds though also the high point of the film that had plodded to find its footing. Nate is substantially left to fight on his own as Sully does the flight, however, comes up with an idea about how to take down the other copter pursuing them. 

Nate manages to get an ancient cannon on the boat aimed at the other copter. After originally floundering yet again to use the lighter he was given by his family Sam ( more on him latterly), Nate manages to get the fuse lit. Still, it seems to have failed as the approaching copter gets near and near. It appears like the effects may be looking enough dire for the two men as the opposing boat bears down on them with adding speed. Unseen to Nate, a bitsy burning part of the fuse falls in the cannon and eventually ignites. It's a direct megahit and the opposing copter is fully devastated, crashing down with the boat it was flying with it. 

 Braddock manages to jump from her descending craft to the one with Nate and Sully. She drops the boat's anchor while Nate is trying to climb up to the copter with Sully. With Nate in peril, Sully must now choose between the gold he has in the copter and saving Nate from brewing death as Braddock tries to pull him down. He throws the bag containing the gold at Braddock who falls into the ocean. Nate also manages to climb to safety. The boat Sully’s copter was still holding also falls, presumably crushing Braddock under. 

Nate and Sully also watch the boat sluggishly sink into the ocean, one last passage after all these times. Also, Nate also managed to pocket some of the gold that he shares with Sully. He also offers a piece of his goo that he has had throughout the film, though Sully throws it out of the window. The two also fly out into the distance to escape the incoming Philippine Navy. Still, they're followed nearly by their fellow adventurer Chloe (Sophia Ali) who had originally been deceived by Nate with false directions but is now back on their trail. She's traveling below them by boat as they all head off to implicit unborn adventures. 

 That's where the film officially ends, however, there are also two fresh post-credit scenes. The first opens in captivity where the camera kisses across cell after cell of strange convicts. That's until we get to a cell that the camera holds on. It holds none other than Sam, Nate's long-misplaced family who had been presumed dead. Important like the fourth game in the series, it appears that rather than getting shot and killed he has been sagging in captivity all these times. It isn’t clear where he's or if it'll follow the path of the game where he manages to find his way back to Nate. Through whom are we kidding, this won’t be the last we see of him. 

The alternate post-credit scene shows where we can next anticipate finding Nate in the event of an effect. It shows the adventurer sitting in a tropical bar with a new character named Gage (Pilou Asbaek) as the two bandy a deal. Gage is there representing Roman, someone who'll be familiar from the videotape game series' final entry as a menacing and greedy man. Addresses soon deteriorate and Sully busts in, though he's now adorned with an attempt at a mustache that's an iconic part of his character from the games. The two try to make their escape, though they're soon held up by a person from the out- screen. 

 As they raise their hands in rendition, we don’t get any regard for who it could be. It could be Chloe looking to get vengeance after being tricked by Nate before in the film. It could be a new character from the games, like the intelligencer Elena Fisher, that becomes a pivotal part of the story and forms a relationship with Nate. It could also be no bone we know yet as the scene doesn’t offer numerous suggestions. Whether we end up learning about who this person is in an effect remains to be seen. The film has entered a negative response critically, though if buoyed by positive box office returns it may soon get the chance to get back on a better path.

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