Netflix's Latest Teen Romance Movie Through My Window's Full ending explained

Through My Window, the original Spanish language title of which is A Través de mi Ventana is Netflix's rearmost in the teen room- drama order and is grounded on the novel of the same name. Half between Élite and The Kissing Booth, Through My Window stars Clara Galle and Julio Peña as partial star-crossed, half Fifty Tones of grey-Esque suckers. 

 Like any good love drama, there are class divides and angsty plots. But what exactly happens to Ares (yes, his name is Ares) and Raquel? You will have to read on to find out. 


 Raquel starts chronicling the story of her life. In a classroom we see her refusing to read her assignment as indeed though she knows how to write a story, she isn’t stalwart enough to tell it. She also says that her story doesn’t start in this classroom, it actually starts in her house. 

 Her house as she describes is a humble residence that, through ups and campo, ended up girdled by a conglomerate called the Hidalgo manse. The Hidalgos are her coming-door neighbors but their life is fully different from hers. The Hidalgos own Nascence 3, one of the most influential companies in the country, whose headquarters is the most spectacular structure in Barcelona. 

 Nascence 3 refers to the three inheritors of the conglomerate, the Hidalgo sisters, Artemis, Ares, and Apolo. Raquel has an unhealthy preoccupation with Ares but has noway said a word to him. She knows everything he does and likes to collect information about him. 

 Apolo thanks Raquel for letting them use her Wi-Fi as theirs is broken. She's confused and finds out that Ares has addressed her computer and cracked the Wi-Fi word. On a coming day, Raquel follows Ares into an isolated wooded area, where she confronts him about playing on her computer. In response, he writes the word on her hand and asks her why it's a law that says, ‘Ares, Greek God’. They change words which leads to Raquel admitting that she likes him and wants him to fall for her. 

 At night she unplugs the Wi-Fi to assert that it's her, who's in control of it. But Ares climbs up her window into her room and entrapments it back by. They partake in an amorous moment that leaves Raquel wanting further. On a coming day, Ares invites her to a party where she seduces him but doesn’t let him get what he wants and exclaims that air is a whine. 

 Latterly, she buys a drink for Apolo who gets too drunk and doesn’t want to go back to his place. She takes him to her place with the help of her friend, Daniela. On the way to her place, Apolo accidentally breaks her phone. Ares again climbs up her window and says that until their father goes to work, they can’t go back home. Ares opens up to her about his forefather’s death and how he too has disinclinations just like him. 

 Ares gifts Raquel a new phone but she isn’t veritably pleased with this gesture. So she goes to his house to return the phone but the effects get too amorous and they end up having coitus. But after this, Ares acts indifferent which makes Raquel really angry and she storms off. 

 She realizes that she has left her charm at his place so she goes back to get it. She ends up staying the night but in the morning he again dismisses her and makes her leave. Raquel’s musketeers, Daniela and Yoshi bring her to a party to help her take her mind off of Ares where she gets drunk. 

 Ares sees her on the road in a vulnerable position and takes her to her house. Ares admits that he has been pushing her down as she makes him feel effects and how his father has formerly set a path for him that he has followed. A path that doesn’t involve falling for any girl. Ares tells Raquel that he authentically does watch about her and asks her to give him another chance. 

 Everything seems to be going well this time. But that's until Ares takes Raquel to a family party to prove a point to his father. There, Raquel feels lowered when she sees her mama working as a server. 

 Through My Window ending is explained in detail 

 The Prom 

Raquel has a sincere discussion with her mama where she tells her not to follow in the steps of her father. Her father was a great pen but he noway had the courage to publish his novel. She encourages her to cut all the drama and just tell Ares how she really feels about him. 

 Raquel goes to Ares’s place to tell him just that but isn’t allowed into the house as everyone in his family feels that she's a distraction that will stop him from attaining his pretensions. 

 Ares disobeys everyone and runs to the shop where he's escaped by Yoshi for breaking Raquel’s heart so numerous times. 


 Yoshi always had a passion for Raquel and wanted to be further than just her friend. He'd begrudged Raquel and Ares’s relationship from the veritably morning. 

Yoshi is furious and doesn’t let Ares speak to Raquel. They change words that lead to a fight where Yoshi pushes Ares into an empty pool. Soon the pool starts filling up with water. 

 Yoshi tells Raquel what happed at the pool and she rushes to save him as she remembers that he's antipathetic to chlorine. It's said that Ares suffered from a severe anaphylactic attack. 


Raquel visits him at the sanitarium and stays by his side the whole time until he fully recovers. After the dread, Ares’s family lets him do what he wants. So, he decided to study drugs in Stockholm. 

 At the field, Ares confesses that he'd purposefully broken their Wi-Fi so that he could talk to her. 

Raquel is eventually stalwart enough to tell her story, so four months latterly she publishes her book called through My Window’. 

 The end credits roll as we see Ares climb up her window to surprise her. 

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