Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Movie Explained


The Avengers recoup the Sceptre ( Mind Gravestone) from Baron Wolfgang von Strucker. Tony and Bruce use the Mind Gravestone to develop anA. I driven program called Ultron which is a planned means for global defense. Ultron goes guileful and tries to destroyJ.A.R.V.I.S and infiltrates Tony’s robots. Ultron believes that humans need to be canceled for the protection of the earth. He escapes with the Sceptre and heads to Strucker’s headquarters and builds himself a new body. Ultron meets Peter and Wanda (the mutants that Strucker created using the Scepter) and takes them on to his side by feeding them stories about how Tony Stark’s munitions killed their parents. 
 The Avengers attack Ultron but have their mokes handed to them by Wanda’s visions and are forced to retreat. Ultron meets with Ulysses Klaue, an arms dealer who has access to Vibranium from a place called Wakanda. Ultron forges a new body that's part- original, part-Vibraniam, and is powered by the Mind Gravestone. Just as Ultron uploads himself into this new body, Wanda reads his intentions and realizes that Ultron plans for mortal extermination. She helps the Punishers land the synthetic body. Tony findsJ.A.R.V.I.S who was in hiding on the Internet and intimately uploads him into the body. Therefore is born Vision. Ultron uses all the Vibranium to lift up an entire megacity and plans to drop it causing a global effect like a meteorite would and annihilate everything but the essence (robots). Long story short, the Punishers with the help of Peter, Wanda, and Vision, stop Ultron. Gawk, not wanting to jeopardize the people of Earth, uses Ultron’s spurt and takes off someplace unknown (he’ll be back in Ragnarok). 

 Age Of UltronPost-Credits Scene 

Thanos wears the Perpetuity Gauntlet and decides that he’s going to tête-à-tête collect each of the Perpetuity Monuments and take matters into his own hands. Thanos will return in Perpetuity War. 

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