Iron Man Movie Full Explained

Tony Stark ultimately inherits his father’s company. Over time, Stark Diligence has been manufacturing and supplying munitions across the world. Obadiah Stane, elderly help in the company, has been immorally dealing munitions. In one of Tony’s demonstrations of the Jerico bullet, he’s captured by terrorists. In the process, Tony is wounded in the casket by shrapnel shards from the explosion. In the delve, where Tony is kept, is another interned, Dr. Yinsen, who implants an electromagnet into Tony’s casket to keep the shards out of his heart. The terrorists demand that Tony builds them dumdums, but Tony and Yinsen make an armored suit powered by a bow reactor. Yinsen offerings himself and Tony blows his way out destroying the terrorist camp. 

Tony gets planted by his friend Colonel James Rhodes and begins work on a more advanced suit powered by a more important bow reactor. He also announces that Stark Diligence will stop manufacturing munitions which annoys Stane. Tony finds out about Stane and flies off to Afghanistan to blow up the bad guys who have his ordnance. We’re introduced to Tony’s clerk, Pepper Potts, who hacks into the company’s database to detect all illegal shipments. She also informsS.H.I.E.L.D’s Agent Phil Coulson about Stane’s conditioning. Stane's rear masterminds a new suit for himself and steals Tony’s bow leaving him to die. Tony manages to get to his old bow reactor. We also have a final showdown between Tony (who’s now the Iron Man) and Stane. Tony has Pepper load the giant bow reactor powering his structure which causes a swell that consumes Stane. On a coming day, Tony announces to the world that he's the Iron Man. 

 Iron Man Post-Credits Scene 

 Nick Fury visits Tony to talk about the Punishers Initiative. 

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