Iron Man 2 Full Movie Explained

While the bow reactor, that Tony made, powers his suit, it’s not his invention. Numerous times back his father, Howard, and a Russian scientist, Anton Vanko, constructed it. Anton tried to vend it for profit and is deported back home. Ivan, Anton’s son, happens to see the Iron Man powered by his father's bow and wants vengeance. Ivan begins erecting amini-arc reactor-grounded armament. At a Grand Prix, Ivan attacks Tony who uses his movable suit to come to Forceful Man and defeats Ivan. Seeing this event, Justin Hammer, a Start Industry rival, stages Ivan’s death and gets him to make armored suits. 

Tony’s bow reactor uses a Palladium core, and this is sluggishly poisoning him and will kill him soon. As a result, Tony makes Pepper the CEO of his company and gets a new adjunct, Natasha. This is Agent Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow), undercover, who's assessing Tony. Nick Fury meets Tony and says that he knew Howard Stark back in the day and hands Tony some of Howard’s old material. In the 3-D hologram, Tony discovers a piece of retired information for a new element – it’s fair to assume that Howard Stark planted this by experimenting with the Tesseract that hosts the Space Stone. Tony synthesizes this element with the help of his computerJ.A.R.V.I.S. This new element removes the need for Palladium. Meanwhile, Ivan takes remote control of all of Justin’s drones and wreaks annihilation. Rhodes and Iron Man fight them off and master Ivan, who detonates the drones and himself. 

 Iron Man 2 Post-Credits Scene 

 Agent Phil Coulson, fromS.H.I.E.L.D, reports that a massive hammer has been discovered at the bottom of a crater in New Mexico. Yes, Thor’s hammer. 

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